8 Things to Know About the Napa Valley Wine Train

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Things To Do

8 Things to Know About the Napa Valley Wine Train

By WineCountry Collective September 13, 2024

All aboard The Napa Valley Wine Train! 这是ag体育正规最独特、最迷人的体验之一, 葡萄酒列车为客人提供了一次过去的旅行,同时向您展示了ag体育正规今天提供的最好的东西.

On your 36-mile round trip from Napa to St. Helena 回来,你会体验美食,壮丽的景色,并在酒厂停止. With its refurbished, vintage pull cars, luxurious detailing, and romantic ambiance, ag体育正规葡萄酒列车提供了一段穿越机车旅行黄金时代的怀旧之旅. 这里是你需要知道的关于这个独一无二的体验的一切.

Napa Valley Wine Train
Photo courtesy of Napa Valley Wine Train

The train is also a gourmet restaurant

虽然过山车的刺激感是整个体验的重要组成部分, 火车主要是一个滚动的美食餐厅,以季节性菜单的变化为特色,突出新鲜, 当地食材(全部由列车上的两个厨房准备). From ricotta gnocchi to roasted beef tenderloin, expect to dine on decadent courses of gourmet, Napa-style fare. 本着葡萄酒之乡的精神,船上有一份广泛的酒单可供选择 lunch and dinner, offering many different regional wines. 你甚至可以自己带酒上船,但要知道你得付开瓶费.

Napa Valley Wine Train
Photo Courtesy of Napa Valley Wine Train

Yes, the wine train makes stops at famous wineries

First-time visitors are encouraged to try The Legacy Experience, 其中包括在一个半小时的旅程中,前往ag体育正规最著名的两个酿酒厂,享用多道菜的美食午餐, Charles Krug Winery and V. Sattui.

全天的遗产体验使其在历史悠久的查尔斯克鲁格酒庄的第一站, the oldest winery in Napa Valley. 客人将享受私人旅游和品酒, 这里是我们所知的加州品酒的发源地(查尔斯·克鲁格在加州开设了第一家品酒室), before heading to the whimsical winery that is V. Sattui. 首批提供品酒体验的酒庄之一, 您将在意大利风格的建筑和郁郁葱葱的花园中享受他们屡获殊荣的小批量葡萄酒.

ag体育正规葡萄酒列车也提供半日游,比如 Grgich Hills Winery Tour, which includes a two-hour train ride with a gourmet, multi-course lunch, followed by a tour and tasting at Grgich Hills Estate, founded by wine legend, Mike Grgich, 谁被公认为世界上最伟大的酿酒师之一.

Napa Valley Wine Train
Photo courtesy of Napa Valley Wine Train

Children are welcome on the Napa Valley Wine Train

No need to leave the kids behind, as the Napa Valley Wine Train is an adventure fit for the whole family. The Open Air Car is perfect for a kid-friendly lunch since it is the most casual car on the train, 这样你就可以和家人一起放松,而不用担心打扰那些寻求更高档体验的客人. 当火车在山谷中滑行时,汽车的露天窗户提供了一个引人注目的景色全景. 儿童价格只适用于选定的套餐,所以一定要提前打电话.

Vista Dome setting, Napa Valley Wine Train
Vista Dome setting, Photo Courtesy of Napa Valley Wine Train


乘坐过ag体育正规葡萄酒列车的业内人士推荐 Vista Dome Package, a train journey like no other. 虽然这是最昂贵的套餐,但它提供了令人难忘的用餐体验 lunch or dinner)在两层的高架Vista Dome餐车上提供“一流”的体验. With its plush interiors, exquisitely prepared food, and unobstructed views from every angle, Vista Dome是对豪华铁路旅行辉煌岁月的致敬. 或者,考虑一下在火车上优雅的几个小时 Afternoon Tea package, a nod to the glamorous days of rail travel.

Napa Valley Aloft

Soar Over Napa Valley

Discover Napa Valley from new heights. Book a hot air balloon adventure!

Napa Valley Wine Train
品尝一个特殊的私奔或亲密的婚礼上的葡萄酒列车,图片提供 Napa Valley Wine Train

You can get married on the train

其高档的烹饪产品和华丽的复古设置, 对于浪漫的情侣来说,火车也是一种独特的方式 tie the knot. Small, 当火车沿着ag体育正规郁郁葱葱的景色滑行时,可以在火车的后面进行亲密的私奔. 或者,为较大的团体在一节车厢或整个列车上预订. 火车有一切需要把你的特殊事件的愿景变为现实.

Napa Valley Wine Train
Photo Courtesy of Napa Valley Wine Train

You can enjoy elegant evenings on the train

晚上的游客可以享受豪华的四道菜的晚餐 Vista Dome. 在观景车上,日落将成为你穿越ag体育正规的背景. 葡萄酒列车还提供了一个美食的经验,在普尔曼餐车. The Gourmet Express Dinner 一顿三道菜的餐点会鼓励客人探索火车吗.

Napa Valley Wine Train
Photo Courtesy of Napa Valley Wine Train

You might solve a murder while riding the rails

一个有趣的和完全难忘的美食和娱乐体验, book a seat on the train’s Murder Mystery dining tour, which operates on select dinner trains year-round. 在一个神秘的夜晚,穿上你最好的20世纪20年代的服装(或者穿上普通的衣服,成为一名私人侦探), mayhem, 当你享受一顿多道菜的晚餐,并在老式火车上揭开所有的秘密时,你会谋杀.

Napa Valley Wine Train
葡萄酒列车充满了节日的气氛 Napa Valley Wine Train

The train journeys to the North Pole during winter

During the winter holiday season, the Wine Train transforms into the Santa Train, welcoming kids of all ages to enjoy games, singing, 以及现场娱乐节目,因为它正在向北到达“北极”.“这个互动音乐之旅是用热可可或苹果酒完成的, freshly-baked cookies, and, of course, Santa himself, and is surely a treat for the whole family.

Quick tip: The Wine Train’s holiday experiences, 包括圣诞老人火车、薄荷茶和感恩节之旅, often sell out quickly, so be sure to plan ahead. Simply put: book early!


无论你是葡萄酒爱好者、火车爱好者还是美食家——或者三者兼而有之!ag体育正规葡萄酒列车是一次难忘的用餐, tasting, 以及刺激所有感官的旅行体验. 从难忘的假日体验到火车上的美食之旅, 葡萄酒列车不仅仅是探索纳帕葡萄酒之乡的独特方式, 这是一次令人难忘的经历,将在你的脑海中留下多年的印记. All aboard!

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